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  • My “Weekend” Pinterest Upcycling Adventure
    September 1, 2018 Lisa Verhees

    My “Weekend” Pinterest Upcycling Adventure

    It all started with a “have a look at this” from my husband who was browsing around on Pinterest. It was this funky colourful pom pom covered poof. “That looks very cool, I could totally do that”, I said. So...

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  • Slow Vs Fast Fashion – Why Slow Fashion Is Way Better
    January 24, 2018 Lisa Verhees

    Slow Vs Fast Fashion – Why Slow Fashion Is Way Better

    Protecting the environment has been the mission of private organizations and government alike for a decade now, but consumers often fail to realize the role they play in disrupting the natural balance of the ecosystem.Regardless of how much food you...

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  • 4 Educational Activities For Toddlers
    January 8, 2018 Lisa Verhees

    4 Educational Activities For Toddlers

    Learning begins at home, and learning is not supposed to be in a classroom or creche/daycare. There are easy ways to make simple things educational without over-doing it. The following educational activities will teach toddlers common educational items like the...

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  • Fast fashion = Bad for everyone
    December 27, 2017 Lisa Verhees

    Fast fashion = Bad for everyone

    A few weeks ago, attended the 'All that glitters can be green' event. This was a festive slow fashion event organized by Green Shoe Events and consisted of a series of speakers and a small number of exhibitors that...

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  • Smarter toys = smarter kids
    November 7, 2017 Lisa Verhees

    Smarter toys = smarter kids

    This post is totally unrelated to what we sell at, but I’m actually a big tech nerd so just had to share. I grew up playing Logo on a 268mb computer, but the current generation has much more to...

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